Stage I (finished)

Defining the concept of “An intelligent system for monitoring gas leaks in harsh environmental conditions”

This stage aims to emphasize the need for such a project and to define the technological background. Furthermore, environmental conditions and several propellants were analyzed.

BEIA Consult International

SME company, founded in 1991, main activities domain and market – “enterprise communications”, a large customers portfolio (over 6000 public/private customers, located in Romania).

SIEMENS partner in Romania, Censor in the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK), leader of the NEM Romanian Mirror Group, member of Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry (ARIES).

R&D potential in telecommunications applications, one of the R&D results consist in “IP-Wireless-Telemetry” experimental system: Remote Terminal Unit (stand alone, GPS location, data acquisition and processing, command and control, GPRS/CDMA on-line data transmission with TCP/IP embedded); Field Interface Unit – communications server; client application (fleet management, data monitoring and command), human machine interface.

Experience in R&D National Programmes and Pre-accession Programmes (instruments financed by the EU to assist Romania in its preparations for joining the EU) as a partner and consortium coordinator.

Company has a good partnership in Romanian industry (large company as well as SMSs) and in Romanian R&D area such as: “Politechnica” University of Bucharest (, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (Romanian Academy) (, Romanian Space Agency (, National Institute for Research-Development in Electrical Engineering (


STAR for everyone in ESA frame program

E-STAR project aims to bring together research entities and SMEs from Romania to be able to know and to attend ESA scientific programs.  In the same time, the main aim of the project is to facilitate the access of ESA information towards research institutions and SMEs from Romania and, not least, to the European scientific community. As we go through the project’s stages, we work up the following milestones:

➢ Creating a framework for developing partnerships between research and industry in areas such as space, air, soil, subsoil, water

➢ The development of an IT platform for concurrent engineering that will ensure the data integration from ESA

➢ The promotion of applications based on satellite telecommunications and Earth observation (satellite data)

➢ Developing a database containing information pooled from different fields


BEIA Consult attended International Conference of Aerospace Sciences “AEROSPATIAL 2018” with a paper entitled “Concurrent engineering in designing a system for sensing gas leaks in harsh space environment”.

Leak monitoring is an essential operation that must be taken into consideration while making the design of a spatial vehicle. In order to make these vehicles function correctly in space and to avoid disasters, one needs to integrate multiple sensors to determine the exact concentrations of fuels such as hydrogen, hydrazine, hydrocarbon or oxygen which are frequently used while launching a space vehicle. These concentrations are important, as hydrogen-oxygen mixtures can ignite with a very small amount of energy. Moreover, it is almost impossible for people to sense the presence of hydrogen, as this gas is odorless and colorless.

The goal of this paper is the describe the concept of an intelligent system that will monitor the presence of oxygen, hydrogen gas in harsh space environments such as vacuum, temperature variations and also beta and gamma radiations. Therefore, some aspects such as the weight of the device or environmental conditions must be taken into consideration when doing concurrent engineering. Micro and nanotechnologies allow the presence of multiple sensors without increasing the size, the weight or the energy consumption. Also, they must resist harsh conditions from space.

Internal meeting

Team members from BEIA Consult meet a kick-off phase two of the SenSyStar project about software development and electronic design for gas fuel leak sensors that will be used in severe space environment. 


INCAS – NATIONAL Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli” is one of the greatest research establishment in aerospace filed in Romania, having experience in flow physics, applied aerodynamics. They have been involved in a lot of projects over the years. Over the years, INCAS succeeded to extend the status and the capabilities of Romania in aerospace sciences, by using state-of-the-art technology and a modern infrastructure.

Nowadays, INCAS is the main contributor for the FlightPath 2050, which is an active participant to the Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research (ACARE).


This institute was founded in 2001 by merging multiple laboratories that had years of experience in the R&D field.
They successfully adapted to the new social conditions, as economic and ecological needs gain more and more importance. This institute aims to include in its projects long-term solutions that will ensure high-level performance which can be seen in over 121 scientific papers that were published in 2017 both outside and inside the country,